The schedules are flexible and adapt to meet the needs of the children. Additional programs and special activities take place within the basic daily routine.
7h 00 - 8h 45 |
Greeting time -- Free Play
8h45 - 9h00 | Children cleanup & groups separated |
9h00 - 9h15 | Hand washing, toileting, diapering, morning snack |
9h15 - 9h30 |
Circle times
9h30 - 10h00 | Educator planned activities
10h00 - 10:45 10h45 - 11h30 |
HighScope: Plan-Do-Review Outdoor play climbing structures, walking, running, balls and hoops, yoga mat play – rolling, crawling, stretch |
11h30 – 11h45 | Hand washing, toileting, diapering |
11h45 - 12h30 | Lunch |
12h30 - 13h00 | Story and quiet time |
13h00 - 15h00 | Nap time |
15h00 - 15h30 | Wake up, hand washing, toileting, diapering, afternoon snack |
15h30 - 16h15 | Free Play |
16h15 - 16h45 | Music and movement |
16h45 - 18h00 | Table Game, departure |